Best ever heart touching love letters

My Sweet Darling,

I wanted to let you know that I never knew the meaning of true love till the day I met you and having you as my sweetheart is like a dream come true for me.

I become a little weak when it comes to speak my feelings in front of you, so I have thought to pen down my feelings, as I did not want to miss a chance to let you know that you are an angel, my true companion, my best friend and my soulmate.

I wish to tell you that I love you till eternity. I am madly in love with your gentle smile, the spark in your eyes, your warm touch and essence of the bond that we share. I cherish each and every moment spent with you.With you in my life I feel to be the luckiest person on this earth. You really mean the world to me. I love you and miss you.

Forever yours.


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