romantic love letters for him

My Love,

You’re my favorite person. I love the way you make me laugh even when I’m having a bad day, how you understand me without needing words, and the way you hold me like I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. 

I can’t wait for all the days ahead of us. There’
s no one else I’d rather be with than you. You are the most beautiful girl that I ever found in this busy world. I know you are always be in touch with me. Yours beauty and charming dress code made me to feel in love with you. You know that I am really in love with you.

I’ve never met anyone who sparkles the way you do. You have glitter running through your veins and it’s electric being in your presence. Thanks for letting me love you.

Forever yours,


Romantic love letters to girlfriend

Sweet heart,

There’s this feeling I get when I think about you—it’s a warmth that spreads from my heart to my fingertips. You’ve completely changed the way I see the world, and I can’t imagine going a day without you in it.

When I’m with you, everything feels right. The world feels like a better place because you’re in it, and when we’re together, even the quiet moments are filled with a kind of magic.

I love you, always and forever.

Yours completely,


Sweet Letters to beautiful wife

Dearest Rashmi,

You and I have enjoyed our new rural hometown. We have spent a full year here and we don’t mind the small town feel. We like the quietness and slower pace of the area and we enjoy the complete absence of traffic on the roads!

One of the funny quirks of our small town has been the herd of deer that lives in town, thanks to a city ordinance that no one is allowed to hunt deer within city limits. So these deer, along with their young fawns, walk from house to house, yard to yard, eating whatever they can find. This is natural life which I want to share with you always. My beloved wife, right now you are not here in hometown. So through this letter of my love, I want to say once again that I love you so much.

Come back soon, we will do party in this Christmas New Year; I will make tasty meal of your likes with the tasteful champagne. I love you so much my dear. I don't want to miss you in this new year because 2019 will be the best year of our life. Please come back, awaiting for you madly. I love you so much.

Yours only,

cute love letters to your girl

My little heart,

I thank God that I have found a girl like you. You show your love to me every day. Please forgive me for not giving you enough time to chat with me, but I promise I will make up for it once we are together.

Regardless of whether you choose to take this advice,
know that I will always love you, accept you and be here for you. I want to be with you and I want you in my life. Be by my side and the rest will fall in place. You know that I am always being there for you and I promise I bring you all the joys of world. 

Your charm and sweet heart never let me down. I hope I will enjoy it too. I love you more than you will ever know. I am your biggest fan.

I love you. Yours Only


Heart Touching Love Letter for Her

My Darling, 

You are the greatest woman I ever dreamed in my whole life. You know my love is always for you and will never be down at any time. My emotions may not show but a love that is mostly hidden like mine is always deep and eternal. My heart can accommodate no other apart from you and I know this is how it is going to be for the rest of my life. 

Expressionless I may be. Cold I may seem. But true love doesn't need to be shown. It resides in the heart just as how it resides deep in mine. And no matter the seasons that will come and go, it will be there withstanding the test of time. I am in love.

Yours Only
